Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Neil Castaldi: Trends in the Hospitality Industry: Going Digital

In the new digital age, e-commerce has emerged as a new and exciting way for customers to interact with business. This has affected the business industry in a meaningful and deep way, something that hospitality services has not been immune to. According to Robert Rauch, President of RAR Hospitality  there will be what he calls, “renewed focus on property websites”. This means that now more than ever, hotels and restaurants will be trying to get customers to book and make reservations online. Robert even predicts that it will be, “the most important parts of a marketing director's job”. This is due in large part to the vastness of the internet. By making booking and reservations available online, it not only makes it more convenient for the customer, but also available to a wider range and spectrum of people.

One effective way to get more bookings or reservations in the hospitality industry is to make it available online. Robert Rauch believes that by creating and generating fresh and interesting content, keeping consistent with new promotions, and staying connected with consumers, hotels and restaurants will be able to generate more bookings and reservations than ever before. By providing interesting media and ways to entertain and captivate the public, businesses and brands can connect to consumers in more meaningful and intimate ways. This in turn generates more trust and familiarity with a brand, which often leads to more usage of the brand’s products.

The Nottoway Plantation of Neil Castaldi is a resort that is always looking for new ideas and innovations.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Neil Castaldi: The Importance of Upper-Level Management to a Company

At most companies, the upper-level managers are the thought-leaders of the team. It is by their ideas and their leadership that the company grows and adapts to the constantly changing market all around them. The executive level managers of a company are in charge of handling profit and loss analyses and handling the budget in a smart and productive way. This means that they are in charge of seeing where they could spend their money more wisely and where they can cut potential risks and losses from their annual budgets.

Being a thought-leader means pushing the company forward with challenging ideas and notions that will improve the company’s market share. This involves taking risks and sometimes introducing products and services that the market has never seen. Sometimes this pays off, sometimes it doesn’t, but as long as company executives have a firm grasp of what their company’s goals are and how it plans to achieve them, they can help the company prepare for ripples in the market before they start affecting their bottom line. The best executives and managers are detail-oriented and prepared to handle their company’s financial books in a smart and data-driven manner. 

Neil Castaldi is the VP of Operations for Nottoway Plantation, a large property in southern Louisiana that was once one of the largest and most ornate plantations in the area. After a large renovation project, headed by Castaldi, the plantation has re-opened and offers luxurious stays for overnight guests, as well as tours and special events, such as weddings. 

Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Nottoway Plantation: Member of the Historic Hotels of America

The Nottoway Plantation, located just outside White Castle, in southern Louisiana, has been a member of the Historic Hotels of America for years. The Historic Hotels of America is an organization that recognizes quality hotels with historic value.

The Nottoway Plantation

Membership is contingent upon careful and faithful management of a hotel’s historic integrity. Member hotels must offer visitors a travel experience that cannot be found anywhere else. Over the years, The Nottoway Plantation has been added to and renovated, always with careful attention to the preservation of the grounds’ unique architecture and historical value. Now featuring two ballrooms, a corporate boardroom, multiple meeting rooms, and forty overnight guest rooms, the Nottoway Plantation gives guests a unique and pleasurable experience no matter what occasion brings them to the grounds.

Over the years, the Nottoway Plantation has hosted many special events, including weddings and corporate parties. The Nottoway is uniquely designed to accommodate weddings of almost any size, with ornate ballrooms and three bridal dressing salons. Day visitors can eat at the gourmet restaurant, hang out in the lounge on site, or take tours through the grounds seven days a week. Attention to authenticity and detail has separated the Nottoway Plantation from similar attractions in the area.

Neil Castaldi presided over a $35 million renovation of the grounds to bring the amenities of the grounds up to speed while preserving the original architecture. Castaldi has over 35 years of experience working in the hospitality sector in corporate leadership and ownership positions. Castaldi lives in White Castle, near Nottoway Plantation.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Neil Castaldi: Three Skills All Good Managers Must Possess

To succeed as a manager at any company at any level, you have to motivate your workers and your team to excel in the tough times, even when the project seems impossible. Workers respond to good managers when they feel that their boss cares about them and wants them to succeed. You can’t coddle your team either, or your leadership will fall under suspicion. Striking this balance has confounded the best natural leaders from ancient times until now.

Here are three skills that you have to develop if you want to be a good manager:

Honesty. It doesn’t sound like a skill, but telling the truth takes some practice. It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear, but telling them the truth can be an entirely different matter. Managers have to stick up for their team and tell their superiors the truth at all times. They also have to be honest to their team members

Patience. Managers have to wait and take a step back sometimes to get the full picture of a situation before they decide to act. This takes years to control, but patience will always lead to a better understanding of a situation over haste.

Character. Derived from honesty, character is important in any organization. If a manager can’t be trusted, he or she could become a cancer to the organization as a whole.

Neil Castaldi has been a manager in the hospitality industry for 35 years. He even took up corporate leadership during his time in the industry as well, opening his own restaurants and managing several hotels in various regions.

Also Read : Neil Castaldi: Three Skills All Managers Must Master

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Neil Castaldi - Managing Expenses: Corporate Executives

Corporate executives are usually in charge of the basic operations of the company from top to bottom. Obviously, they don’t have constant control over everything everyone working for the company does, but they have the responsibility of monitoring profits and losses, managing where the company spends its money, and how to improve the business for its customers without putting itself in a precarious financial position. Corporate executives have to constantly run cost analyses to find out if their company is spending its budget in a way that will maximize profits over the long term. Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers and more have to constantly analyze (or delegate the task) their books and come up with solutions that will improve the company.

In the past, some of this analysis was done with estimation and guesswork. While no one can see the future and make the right call on budgetary issues every time, the use of big data analytics has greatly improved the prediction powers of executives in corporate offices. Using advanced analytics cuts down on some of the guesswork by creating statistical models that executives can use to more accurately predict the many folds and rolls of their market. 

Neil Castaldi is a Profit and Loss Manager for Nottoway Plantation, a large property in southern Louisiana that hosts guests for overnight stays, as well as special events and tours of the historic property. Many people have come to see the fully restored antebellum-style architecture of the property and learn about the people who lived there hundreds of years ago.